How To Increase Breast Size Naturally?

Can You Increase Breast Size Naturally? It is important to understand that breast size cannot be significantly augmented by diet or lifestyle changes alone. Genetics and physiological factors like metabolism largely determine breast size. While certain exercises can improve the tone of chest muscles, they do not directly increase breast size.

It is important to embrace the natural shape and size of your breasts and avoid falling for misleading advertisements promoting hormonal pills and massage oils that claim to enhance breast size naturally.

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If someone wishes to change the shape or size of their breasts, medically speaking, breast augmentation surgery is an option. This procedure involves a plastic surgeon placing silicone implants under the breast tissue to achieve the desired size. There are various implant options to choose from, and it is important to understand the potential risks associated with the surgery before making a decision.

This article will give you an insight into some of the popular ways of breast enlargement. There is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of these measures.

Did you know?

Table of Contents

Interesting Facts About Breasts

Here are some interesting facts about breasts and it’s very purpose in a woman’s life.

  • Did you know that the left breast is bigger than the right? Yes, no two breasts appear to be the same.
  • Breasts move in the number 8 when you exercise.
  • Breast size changes almost 6 times in a woman’s entire life. This is because of the type of bra that is worn.
  • Your breasts get matured only after pregnancy and lactation.
  • Breasts naturally grow until 4 years after a woman’s first period.
  • Ancient Egyptians were the first to identify breast cancer which was documented on papyrus 3500 years ago. The hieroglyphs depicted bubbling tumours on the breast that cannot be healed.
  • Men can also get breast cancer. Yes, Peter Criss was the first man to have survived breast cancer.

Breast size can be affected by a range of factors across different women, here are the key things that determine women’s breast size:

Factors Affecting Breast Size
2Body Mass Index
3Fitness Level
9Menstrual Cycle

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Can You Increase Breast Size at Home? How?

You might have heard about the popular belief that you can increase the size of your breasts naturally by massaging, breast enlargement exercises, and foods that make them look bigger. But this is not correct. If you search the Internet for how to get bigger breasts naturally, you may come across a number of remedies and tips to increase breast size. Let’s check if these are effective and scientifically correct.

1. Foods to Improve Breast Size

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Foods such as milk products, fruits and nuts can be a healthy addition to your diet. However, there is no scientific evidence that these dietary changes alone can move the needle. Here are some popular options: 

MilkMilk and dairy products can be a good dietary addition for everyone. There is no evidence that it can help in increasing breast size for everyone.
PapayaPapaya mixed with milk is also a popular remedy without any scientific backing. However, if you are pregnant, it is not the fruit to be added to your pregnancy diet.
Fenugreek seedsThere’s no evidence that consuming fenugreek seeds alone can result in breast enlargement.
Fennel seedsPeople often add fennel seed powder to food or make a paste and mix it with olive oil and massage. But this too has no scientific evidence.
Flax seedsChew flax seeds or add flax seed powder to your food. It is healthy for everyone but no evidence of its role in achieving growth in breast size.
NutsNuts have a rich source of monounsaturated fats that are healthy but may not change the size of breasts.

2. Yoga For Big Breasts?

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Yoga has been a natural healing agent for thousands of years. It unites the body with the mind and helps you counter diseases from within. Moreover, when it comes to making breasts seem bigger, this ancient art can help tone the breasts. Here are some yoga asanas beneficial for breasts: 

BhujangasanaAlso known as cobra pose – you will have to lie down on your stomach joining your foot straight on the floor and put your hands on your chest. Repeat 10 times every day.
Camel pose is kneeling, facing your head to the ceiling and bending your back to touch your feet. Repeat 10 times. This pose also benefits you with good digestion and reduces arms and thigh fat.
Also known as a double angle pose – this asana includes standing, stretching both your hands backwards and locking it & bending down to touch your head to your knees. This is one of the best yoga exercises for breasts.

3. Massage Oil For Breasts

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Of course, massaging is one of the best ways to increase blood circulation. So, what natural oils or lotions can you use to massage your breasts? Here is what you need to know:

  • Flaxseed oil
  • Fennel and
  • Olive oil

How To Get A Breast Massage? 

Some breast oil brands claim that the best natural way to increase breasts size is by getting an oil massage done. But do not believe in such claims. Breast massage can be just as good as massaging any other part of your body and will not necessarily help in increasing the breast size. Here are some simple steps as to how to get one done.

Step 1: Move your hands around both breasts in a circulator way.

Step 2: Join both breasts together.

Step 3: Repeat 10 times every day using some of the above-listed natural oils.

NOTE: Do not do this for too long, as it can lead to swelling and sensitivity. Do a patch test before using any oil for the first time.

Want to give your breasts the much needed TLC? Check out Imbue Breast Massage Cream For Women

4. Exercises for Toned Breasts

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There are a number of exercises that can increase the tone of your pectoral muscle, which can improve the appearance of your breasts but will not change their size. Here is what you need to know about some exercises that can be done at home.

Breast Toning ExercisesHow To Do
Arm CirclesStep 1: Stretch your arms in front of your body and bend them at a 90-degree angle. Step 2: Open your arms wide and bring them back together
Step 3: Repeat this for 1 minute.
Arm PressesStep 1: Open your hands until they go behind and again.
Step 2: Bring your hands front and back.
Step 3: Repeat this for 1 minute.
Horizontal Chest PressStep 1: Stretch your arms in front of your body and bend them at a 90-degree angle.
Step 2: Open your arms wide and bring them back together
Step 3: Repeat this for 1 minute.
Prayer PoseStep 1: Join both your hands.
Step 2: Then stretch both front and back.
Step 3: Repeat this 15 times.
Modified Push-UpsStep 1: Lie on the ground with your face facing the ground.
Step 2: Place both your hands on the ground.
Step 3: Push your body upwards and downwards.
Step 4: Repeat this 15 times.

Also Read: Itchy Nipple: Potential Causes and Management Options

Can Supplements Increase Breast Size?

No, breast enlargement supplements do not help you get bigger breasts. People often get confused because most supplements are made from natural ingredients, and most of these mention that they do not offer any side effects. While many of these products sold over the counter are not approved by the regulatory bodies, it is important to consult a doctor before you opt to use breast enlargement supplements.

It is recommended that you use natural oils such as olive oil, tea tree oil and lavender oil to massage your breasts if at all needed.

In a Nutshell

Breast size is influenced by a combination of factors, including genetics and physiological parameters, much like height, body build, and hair colour. It is important to accept the natural size and shape of your breasts. If you desire a change, breast augmentation surgery is an option. Avoid hormonal pills and creams that claim to increase breast size naturally. Consulting a doctor for any concerns or questions about breast size is the best approach.

How To Increase Breast Size Naturally?

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