Month: November 2023

Reasons for feeling tired other than mental fatigue

Reasons for feeling tired other than mental fatigueSome people suffer from constant fatigue even though their daily activities do not involve physical or mental exercise, they still feel tired. In this regard, the report published in the ‘Hack Spirit’ magazine mentions the habits that lead to feeling tired for a long time. Not eating breakfast […]

Medicines were developed to increase muscle mass

Medicines were developed to increase muscle massResearchers say that they are close to creating a drug that increases human muscles without exercise. These drugs, called exercise mimics, consist of substances that mimic the benefits of exercise and create a mechanism that increases the body’s metabolism and increases lean muscle mass. Thomas Burris, a professor of […]

Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency Dr. Mujahid GibranWhen iron is reduced in the human body, the substance called hemoglobin in the red blood cells, which is responsible for transporting oxygen, becomes less and it is not able to deliver enough oxygen to the body. It causes iron deficiency or anemia. In such cases, in addition to fatigue, the […]

Chief Technology Officer ( CTO)

About Aurum Afghanistan Mobile Money Services Company:Aurum Afghanistan is an Afghan Mobile Money Service Company, regulated by the Central Bank of Afghanistan-NBFS-DAB/EMI section after getting EMI License. The head office of Aurum-Afghanistan is located in Kabul, Afghanistan with the intention of 34 branches across Afghanistan & a wide network of Agents and Subagents nationwide. Aurum […]

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