What does new research say about body cavities?

What does new research say about body cavities?
Researchers from King’s College London say that the more holes there are in the body, the more specific biological signs it has that indicate the aging process of the body. This particular type of DNA, which slows down the aging process by six to seven years, is more common in people with more than 100 gaps.

100 gaps in existence is more than average because the average European has 30 gaps, although there are people whose existence has up to 400 gaps. Now the question is why some people have few gaps in their existence and some others have more?

The same researchers said in their previous study that the ability to have a gap in existence is hereditary.

King’s College researchers have studied 1800 women between the ages of 18 and 79 for this study.

It has been said in their research: The ability to have a gap in existence is also true in the field of several diseases that are related to aging, such as heart disease or osteoporosis. However, in the King’s College press release, according to the head of the research group, Vervinck Bataly, it has been said that other studies are being conducted to confirm these findings.

There are different opinions regarding the hole, who considers it harmful for existence and who calls it a sign of beauty, but it all depends on the size and location of the hole. Ninety percent of moles have the characteristic of giving birth to cancer and that is why doctors always advise people who have a history of skin cancer in their family to be constantly under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Be very careful with spots that change color and shape, and spots that have hair may be painful but are usually harmless.

Acne is a chronic disease that affects the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands of the skin.

The oil glands of the skin are located in the drum or the middle part of the skin. In this disease, these glands are blocked and as a result, young or small cysts are formed. Acne is a common disease that often occurs at the beginning of puberty. At this time, male sex hormones or androgens increase in boys and girls and increase the activity of the fat glands, resulting in more fat being produced.

  How acne occurs:

The sebaceous glands produce a type of oil called sebum, which in a natural state is released from the bulb or follicle to the outer part of the skin, but it is possible that the skin cells have blocked the hair bulb or follicle and prevent the sebum from releasing the oil. Glands appear on the skin.

When the hair follicles are blocked, a type of skin bacteria called propionibacterium acnes grows in them and causes acne.

When the hair bulb is half closed, a red pimple is formed on the torso, which is a kind of plaque like a pea. If the hair bulb is blocked, the young person will have a white head, but other types of germs will cause the young head to appear in different ways. When the blocked follicles release oil and bacteria on the surface of the skin, more pimples are formed on the diseased skin.

Acne or pimples may be superficial, and in this type of acne there are no pimples, or it may be deep, in this case, the lower part of the skin becomes inflamed and it also creates pus-filled pimples or pimples. It also creates large and large grains.

Causes of acne:

At the time of youth or puberty, the hormones increase in strength, in addition to this, acne or youth also has a genetic basis, the following factors also play a role in the formation of acne:

Hormonal changes during menstruation or illness in women.

Certain medications such as corticosteroids, lithium, and barbiturates.

Oil or hair oil, mineral oil, and other luxury products.

Hat compression or massage, and tight-fitting clothing.

The climate of some regions is humid and hot.

Acne is aggravated by severe skin irritation and youthfulness.

Signs of puberty:

Acne can be found in any part of the body, but it is more often seen in those parts of the body where the number of fat glands is high, such as the face, buttocks, back, and shoulders.

The general symptoms of young people are the same as small pimples on white heads, itchy pimples and their pain, but each time they may have different symptoms. It can be treated at a young age, but only on the condition that you also help the doctor.

What does new research say about body cavities?

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