Several ways of redemption from mentally angry and stress

Several ways of redemption from mentally angry and stress

“If some people did not stand triminating ambassador, they would have gone to the mouth of death,” said the famous praise Speaker.

The people are seemingly faced frustrations, we think that more sadness is to ease in these frustrations, as it is easily eradicated due to our little care. It is unprofessionality, many of these artificial synthesis called one excuse for themselves, which is also similar to this disease.

Lun Shinkan story, head of a one of a publisher publishing association in the United States, has expressed such language in their own language:

My job as “my work” for the Fifteen years was that I thought me on half day meets and what we should do and do nothing. ” The longer our time will be wasted without any consensus without the meeting, I thought to my homes, I thought that the whole life would be going on, I don’t In addition, there are many other ways to seek to build a few years later, with a few years later, I was able to change his way, now on his new thoughts. I act and very happy, the health condition has improved, and I have now made a lot of work to you, I finished the series of sessions and debates. As a result, the participants and my friends would have had the question that was last was the mistake of this session? Everyone asked him, and at the end, what do you finish this meeting what to do in the future? “

When I encountered which the subject, I made these principles for my life, written in writing the following four questions.

1: The first question is what is the fragile topic?

We never tried to understand this last in the past, how is the nature of the issue?

Now that I remind the past, my prayer is upset, why I spent why I spent my precautionary conversation.

2- The second question was what is the cause of the matter?

Last time you would be a two-hour time every day, what is the subject? Then you will later resolve the paths in the written form.

3: The third question would be what the issue of solution is?

Earlier, only one would be proposed to resolve the matter, which would have differing views, which would have often been as many times and we will be headed in other ways.

4: The fourth question was that I think there is a reasonable way for?

Before we will discuss the right solution and thought about the right solution to the right solution to the right solution, a few hours and will not have any suggestion for the issue and will not have Advantages of this weakened, and we will not accept the views and will not accept others.

Tomorrow, my friend act in my words, because they are facing the same thing, because if they face the same thing, they will find the answers to the four questions, surely the answer to the subject. Find the way.

Currently, I encounter which acute subject, then try out of the principles, who are saved more than me.

Psychologists have made some suggestions for release, which the following statements.

2- The first one must find the reality of the matter and good to all of them.

After the identification of facts, you must make your decision.

2- When he decided, there will be acting acting without the delay, there is no need to think about the results.

4- There is a famous proverb that: “The blank is the home of the devil, you will be good news from your mind. Thinking of thinking is lightened, if we have stopped thinking about useful work in our mind, we will be about the strange and poor thoughts instead of profit Such a neutral thoughts causing depressions, you will have a little concern, so that we will be named to this non-familiarity concern that we can be named the frustrations made in our hands. , These depressions appear not to look at eyes, but very thinking societies will have deteriorated himself.

The most important thing is that if you will not feel any frustration, you will connect to your work on the trap, the good way to get rid of this , I always busy yourself here, “You do not disrupt our time, but to improve their health and other righteous things. Do not place thinking into your mind.

2- An easy way to save the publication, which you should share your depression with any of your own friends, then shared your siblings with your wife. Spiences the burden of your mind, if you didn’t get your mind, mental powers will be less likely to be very frequent, that this will soon be a major obstacle to your success.

The life partner who is not committed to the requests with expectations that have hurt the demands in life, sometimes the wound in your body Do you do with you: “Never forgive you,” Some “Some are more important to forgive.” But on the other hand, religious leaders say that we have sorry to make you eat from the chastity of the conscience and destroy pressure that is vital for this health and psychological issues. When this conversation listens to me: “I forgive or not.” How do it don’t have any possible when it has no possible?

“I had offering a scientific seminar four years ago between the” husband and wife “in the hallin,” a scientific seminar. “What I think there was no interesting,” he said, “why will I think it will be forgotten?”

Many people may be found that they think. They think that those who make an error or badly about you, but if this action will not be forgiven.

For two years, I saw the man in the forehead, saying the happiness in the forehead: “I have changed my mind about it.” Because I saw apologies and don’t want to be apologized to deal with something else. “

Undoubtedly, it will have a long time when it comes to see you harmful to someone. Most people do not value this type of small conversations and also there are those who relocate these types or conversations in mind. Twins. They always thinking about that the opposite has suffered a lot in truth, so it makes negative thoughts about it, the action to lose their mental calms Paid.

Let’s go here a woman’s wife example:

One night her husband comes too late, what would you think the woman will treat the incident?

2- Does it think it’s a small thing, it may be extended and has gone home late.

2- Or maybe it may be stated so far and the owner is so idolly that doesn’t think about them.

For example, the second think:

The repetition of this type of conversation in mind, however, the husband welcomes talking on the door, the husband welcomes talking about and tired of his wife. Women do double compared to women and eventually convert to the house on Hell.

Or that the woman is very thinking about it, for example, the husband is thinking about it, it’s too much, late, in the work It’s so busy that it has not been able to know about late arrival. “Once our husband is very smallly,” says much gentle scheduled to be home soon: There was great today.

Such speaks cause positive energy in the husband and answer the same good and sweet scholar:

Today I have been more than and I can’t get home on time.
It is clear, the owner has made it late and that the family did not have a report that it could not be called it is the most fun.

Investigations have proved that those who recommend are healthy, researcher; It is an interest to know that those who reveal, we are infected with fewer diseases, we are less upset and very psychologically.

But why? Because in our culture is there’s something that says the taste that is in apology. Should be experienced to know this taste.

Everyone may make mistake a day; Like, take care of yourself; Guess the error you have done and apologies to apology from the opposite person. Sorry to make a heijani and angel condition, eliminates angel anger. Anger eliminates human positive energy and sometimes may cause destruction.

You may have heard many bad incidents such as throwing or murder news so far. Knows? The murder is often the result of most ghosts. Now think if there is no sorry between the husband and wife and his life is full of depression and impressive, what is the fate of it.

Now the question is how a sorry and axas should be in the family life?

Answer is easy, much more, an example has no measure and should not have it. You know that Allah is the biggest forgiving. We all spent all the days and the days to spend the same night and day, because God willing me to me because Allah is a meleged and we will be forgotten.
Our recommendation is to apologize and mercy.

Felpe McGre has recommended: “The harassment that has imposed others, especially unable yourself; If this anger will eat your own existence and will change on one part of life. Employment of anger jail can only be sorry.

Several ways of redemption from mentally angry and stress

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